Thursday, June 24, 2010


You don't worship God daily nowadays as you used to do earlier, my dad said to me. I didnt have any answer. I just looked back to those days when I used to daily worship the god at 7'o clock after I used to come from play. I questioned to myself. Suddenly my dad asked, have you lost faith in god? I just didnt know what to say. Because somewhere within, even I knew that, I dint lose faith in god, it was just that I lost interest. Somehow I just couldnt tell this to him.
Whole night I thought, is it a sin to lose interest in god. Many thoughts came. Some made sense and some dint. But then I just tried to remember the time or an incident which made me lose interest or what now think as faith. But I couldnt find any. Maybe it just slowly crept in. Then I thought:
Why do we worship god? Why do we have faith in him? Its maybe because when we are in danger or when we need help...we think of him...and we gain strength...we feel there is someone behind you. This is faith. Trusting someone. But then I realised that this doesnt give me that much strength when I think of god.
When I am struck somewhere or I am scared, I think of my idols. I think, the way they have come out of their adversity and reached the top, same way I would do. It gives me more strengths. Because they ( different idols for different people), are the living legend. We know their life and the struggle to the position they are right now.
So, I feel its not necessary to worship or have faith just in god. Its upto you, whom you believe. And who knows, maybe those legends are just the other faces of god, for those who are too scared to say that they dont believe in god.

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